Who are the satisfied customers that rate QualiCare Maids over the majority of home cleaning services?
Homeowners, young professionals with busy schedules, pet owners, busy single professionals, apartment and condo renters, busy single couples,
newcomers to the area, homeowners with children, party planners, college students, restaurant owners, realtors, and people who are moving in or moving out.
Why do these people choose the QualiCare Maids “Total Cleaning Program” over other maid cleaning services?
1.) Pet friendly employees that use environmentally safe high quality pleasant smelling non-bleach cleaning products that are never harmful to humans or pets.
2.) The QualiCare Maids “Total Home Cleaning” program is one of the highest consumer rated maid cleaning programs in the Carolinas, based on over 2100 consumer reviews that have rated the QualiCare”Total Home Cleaning” program over companies such as Molly Maids, Merry Maids, Carolina Maids, Minit Maids, and many other reputable over priced maid services that are more hype than bite.
3.) QualiCare Maids has an impeccable reputation for excellent and consistent home cleaning each visit, because QualiCare Maids realize that there are many cleaning choices being offered to consumers, so price and quality mean everything to consumers when they are looking for a maid service that they can trust to clean their home to their expectations each visit, and QualiCare Maids have become the overwhelming choice in the Charlotte Area that busy professionals, realtors, new home buyers, and pet owners choose over other maid services.
4.) QualiCare Maids is a U.S. Veteran owned and operated company that is licensed, bonded, and insured for $2,000.000 and all employees are drug free, crime free,OSHA certified, trained in home security and self defense, and QualiCare Maids carry all of their business credentials to each customers home along with 60 customer review references with customers full contact information.
Why should you try QualiCare Maids “Total Cleaning Program?”
1.) No hourly fees or hidden cost to clean after you are quoted a price by phone or through the online price request form.
2.) Each cleaning is consistent, excellent, affordable, and inspected by you and a QualiCare Maids supervisor for quality assurance and customer satisfaction.
3.) A trusted and very reputable cleaning service that customers rate highly for satisfaction and consistent detailed cleaning and home organizing.
4.) QualiCare Maids never uses cleaning crews to clean your home, it is always the same two people that originally clean your home.
5.) QualiCare Maids offer a military style of cleaning that is unmatched by any maid cleaning service, and QualiCare Maids do not have to come to your home to give you a free estimate, they can give you an estimate online or by phone.
Your home is not completely cleaned
until it has been totally cleaned by QualiCare
1. Are you tired of cleaning up pet hair?
2. Are you a busy professional that has time to clean house?
3. Do you really feel like spending your free time cleaning your home?
4. Are your wood floors being cleaned properly on a regular basis?
5. Do you clean and sanitize your bathrooms on a regular basis?
Or call 704-218-9645 today to get started.
The Total Home Cleaning Program
QualiCare Maids